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Contest Rules

    1. The contestant has to be between the age of 13 and 32 by Novembre 30th 2021.
    2. The contestant has to be born in Italy or to be the child of at least one Italian parent.
    3. Every contestant will be required to perform one (1) song of his choice, however, if one of the following songs are chosen, it will be positively considered by the judges:
      • Beethoven – Sonata n.8
      • Chopin – Ballade 1
      • Schubert – Impromptu Op 142 n.3
      • Domenico Scarlatti – Sonata K.529 in B flat major
      • A. Casella – Sonatina in tre tempi op. 28
      • Clementi – 4 studi dal gradus ad parnassum:
        • Studio op. 44 n. 2, Allegrissimo in fa maggiore
        • Studio op. 44 n. 3, Vivacissimo in fa maggiore
        • Studio op. 44 n. 5, Andante, quasi allegretto, con espressione, in si bemolle maggiore
        • Studio op. 44 n. 12, Allegro (Preludio) in do maggiore
    4. The song has to be played live in a video which has to be submitted through a Youtube link (if the contestant uploaded it in Youtube) or a WeTransfer or Dropbox link.
    5. The video can be uploaded to Youtube or sent by WeTransfer or Dropbox.
    6. The song has to be submitted by and not later than November 30th 2021 at 9PM(Italian time)
    7. The Judges will be:
      • Honorary President of the Jury: The Maestro Piero Di Egidio, a real institution of the Classic Italian Piano, played hundreds and hundreds of concerts worldwide, Knight Of The Republic for artistic reasons with an astonishing resume with no equals.
      • Fabrizio Mancinelli, Orchestra Director and Composer for Disney, RAI, Mediaset and many movies and TV shows produced in Italy and Hollywood.
      • David Z Rivkin, Music Producer of Prince, A-HA and many more.
      • Mario Guarini, Bassist of Claudio Baglioni, “Amici”, Massimo Ranieri, Gino Paoli and many more.
      • The organization may change the Judges in any moment for any reason.
    8. The winners will be officially announced on January 30th 2022.
    9. The top 10 finalists will have their names published on L’Italo Americano Newspaper, Website, Newsletter, Social Media etc.
    10. The prizes will be the following:
      First Classified          $2500
      Second Classified    $1500
      Third Classified          $500
    11. The Barbera Foundation will have the rights to use at their discretion any of the video and audio recordings sent by the contestants (The videos may be edited and uploaded or published in other platforms).
    12. The participants will need to fill the application form in full.For more information, questions or explanations please contact us at the email address 

More Info

Patrick Abbate

Il Direttore Artistico

Patrick Abbate, is anItalian American musician with decades of international professional experience


Info and Application

Because of COVID 19, the auditions won't be held in person. We will evaluate the videos, bio and resume.


Italo American Foundation

The Barbera Foundation is very glad to introduce the first edition of the Italo Americano Contest, apply now!